About this Event
Harper College’s Geography Department will host a Geographic Information Systems (GIS) Career Day panel from 6 to 7:30 p.m. Thursday, November 21. The free, virtual event will take place on Webex and is open to anyone interested in GIS studies or careers. Attendees can access the event here (the event password is 56DJ).
The panel is being hosted in conjunction with GIS Day on November 20, an international celebration honoring 25 years of GIS technology. Harper’s event will include GIS professionals in government, business and academia who will share their GIS career journeys and discuss how students can prepare to work in GIS fields. Attendees will be able to interact directly with the panel of experts.
Harper’s Geography Department offers a variety of GIS courses as well as specialized certificates in GIS and drone technology. Because GIS is an interdisciplinary field of study, Harper faculty have been collaborating in the GIS Community of Practice since 2017. Geography Professor Mukila Maitha works with colleagues in departments ranging from biology to English. Harper students have participated in geospatial projects including high-resolution maps of Harper’s campus, an investigation into bike routes to Harper, and a map that tracked the 17th century London plague described in Daniel DeFoe’s A Journal of the Plague Year.
For more information, email Maitha at mmaitha@harpercollege.edu.