Harper College

Making friends or establishing new connections can be hard, and it can be even more difficult when you enter or return back to college after some time away. Acquiring social capital not only affects our overall well-being, but social capital and connections can also impact potential job prospects, assist in our ability to achieve personal and community goals, and even affect income levels. Humans need other humans. In turn, participate in this workshop on Thursday, September 5 from 2:00pm - 3:00pm in Building A, 2nd Floor (Student Lounge) to learn more about strategies you can use to help boost the ways in which you connect with others and meet new people.

*Participants who attend the workshop will receive a $10 Starbucks card to help foster coffee conversations post-event* 

Sign-Up Link: https://forms.office.com/r/GUyrzN3DgJ
Students must be currently enrolled in order to participate. 

Questions? Contact Harper Wellness at wellness@harpercollege.edu  

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